Poetry 1900-2000: One Hundred Poets From Wales (Library of Wales)
Poetry 1900-2000: One Hundred Poets From
Editor: Meic Stephens/ PARTHIAN Library of
~ This anthology, the largest of its kind ever compiled, presents the work of Welsh poets writing in English during the 20th Century. All the major names are included - DAVID JONES, IDRIS DAVIES, VERNON WATKINS, R. S. THOMAS, DYLAN THOMAS and ALUN LEWIS - as well as many living writers like DANNIE ABSE, TONY CONRAN, GILLIAN CLARKE, TONY CURTIS, ROBERT MINHINNICK and GWYNETH LEWIS. Every decade of the century is featured, as is almost every part of Wales - urban, industrial and rural - and many of the poems reflect their history. ~
~ This is certainly a remarkable book, 888 pages long, 100 poets, some 600 poems in all. It is a fine production; principally this is a tribute to Meic Stephens. Nobody else could have edited it up to this standard. What is so fundamentally impressive is the high-level intellect, the sheer grinding scholarship that he has brought to this text. Both on the side of fact-stating, bibliography and on the side of critical comments on the poet’s work, which are generally swift, unobtrusive and helpful. Meic Stephens, with his huge knowledge of Welsh writers, has done this editing fairly, sensitively and comprehensively. ~
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