...notable people who "intentionally terminated their own lives"...
...notable people who "intentionally terminated
their own lives"...
The following are lists of notable people who intentionally terminated their own lives. Suicides committed under duress are included. Deaths by accident or misadventure are excluded. Individuals who might or might not have died by their own hand, or whose intention to die is in dispute, but who are widely believed to have deliberately killed themselves, may be listed under Possible Suicides.
Chris Acland (1996), British drummer (Lush), hanging
Hatazo Adachi (1947), Japanese general, seppuku.
Robert Adams, Jr. (1906), congressman from Pennsylvania, shot himself after heavy losses in stock speculation
Stanley Adams (actor) (1977), American character actor, gunshot to the head
Stuart Adamson (2001), Scottish singer (Big Country, Skids), self-strangulation after alcohol ingestion; possibly unintentional
Neil Aggett (1982), South African worker's union leader; hanged in prison (murder is suspected by some)
Ahn Jae-hwan (2008), South Korean actor, carbon monoxide poisoning
Sergei Akhromeyev (1991), Soviet military commander who led an unsuccessful coup against Mikhail Gorbachev, hanging
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa (1927), Japanese writer (author of Rashomon), barbital overdose
Clodius Albinus (197), Roman emperor, killed himself after a defeat in battle
Ross Alexander (1937), actor, gunshot
Michael Alfonso, a.k.a. Mike Awesome (2007), professional wrestler, hanging
Prince Alfred of Edinburgh (1899), member of the British Royal Family, shot himself
Leandro Alem (1896), Argentine politician, founder of the Radical Civic Union, gunshot to the head
Salvador Allende (1973), president of Chile (elected 1970), and uncle of renowned author Isabel Allende; allegedly shot himself during a coup d'état against his regime orchestrated by General Augusto Pinochet — some sources allege that he was killed
Jeff Alm (1993), NFL player, gunshot
Jason Altom (1998), Ph.D. student, ingested potassium cyanide
Jean Améry (1978), Austrian writer; overdose of sleeping pills
Korechika Anami, War Minister (1945), seppuku
Forrest Howard Anderson (1989), Governor of Montana, gunshot
Fridolin Anderwert (1880), Swiss Federal Councilor
Aman Andom (1974), military ruler of Ethiopia; committed suicide to avoid his execution in an internal purge
Gwili Andre (1959), Danish actress; self-immolation
Roger Angleton (1998), murderer, cutting or hanging
Mark Antony (30 BC), Roman politician and general; stabbed himself
Marshall Applewhite (1997), leader of Heaven's Gate religious cult, overdose
Hubert Aquin (1977), Canadian author; gunshot
Diane Arbus (1971), American photographer; barbiturate overdose and slashed wrists
Reinaldo Arenas (1990), Cuban-American artist and writer; drug and alcohol overdose
Pedro Armendáriz, (1963), Mexican actor; gunshot
Edwin Armstrong (1954), U.S. inventor of FM radio; jumped from a 13th floor window
Nikolas Asimos (1988), Greek rock musician; hanging
John Atchison (2007), American federal prosecutor and alleged child sex offender
George Ault (1948), American painter; drowning
Pekka-Eric Auvinen (2007), Finnish Jokela High School shooter, self-inflicted gunshot to the head
Albert Ayler (1970), American jazz saxophonist; jumped into New York City's East River
Nikki Bacharach (2007), Daughter of Burt Bacharach and Angie Dickinson, suffocated using plastic bag and helium
Chet Baker (1988), Jazz musician, jumped off his hotel balcony
James Robert Baker (1997), American writer
Albert Ballin (1918), German businessman, overdose of sleeping pills
José Manuel Balmaceda (1891), President of Chile, gunshot
Robert Hayward Barlow (1951), writer and anthropologist, barbiturate overdose
Isobel Barnett (1980), British TV personality, electrocution
Don "Red" Barry (1980), actor (Adventures of Red Ryder), gunshot
Diana Barrymore (1960), U.S. actress and writer, drug and alcohol overdose
Gert Bastian (1992), German military officer and politician, gunshot
J. Clifford Baxter (2002), Enron vice-chairman, gunshot
Thomas McKee Bayne (1894), U.S. Congressman from Pennsylvania, gunshot
Scotty Beckett (1968), child actor, Our Gang films, cause of death inconclusive
Charles Eugène Bedaux (1944), efficiency engineer charged with treason for collaboration with Vichy government
Gertrude Bell (1926), archaeologist, writer, spy and administrator known as the "Uncrowned Queen of Iraq", overdose
Peter Bellamy (1991), English folk singer
Juan Belmonte (1962), Spanish bullfighter and matador, gunshot
Jan Beneš (2007), Czech writer
Brenda Benet (1982), actress and former wife of Bill Bixby, gunshot
Ota Benga (1916), African Pygmy put on "display" in United States, gunshot
Walter Benjamin (1940), German cultural theorist, overdose morphine pills
Jill Bennett (1990), British film actress
Chris Benoit (2007), professional wrestler, murdered his wife and 7-year-old son and later hanged himself in his weight room
Pierre Bérégovoy (1993), French Prime Minister, gunshot
John Berg (2007), American actor, carbon monoxide poisoning
Hans Berger (1941), German physician and inventor of electroencephalography, hanging
Mary Kay Bergman (1999), American voice actress, gunshot
Ricky Berry (1989), NBA player for the Sacramento Kings, gunshot
John Berryman (1972), American poet, jumped from a bridge
Bruno Bettelheim (1990), American psychoanalyst
Robert Billings (1986), Canadian poet, drowned
Jens Bjørneboe (1976), Norwegian author, hanging
Jeremy Blake (2007), American video artist, drowning
Clara Blandick (1962), actress, best known as Auntie Em from The Wizard of Oz, sleeping pill overdose and suffocation
Kenny Blatchford (1933), Canadian politician, drowning
Barbara Blida (2007), Polish politician, gunshot
Isabella Blow (2007), British fashion writer and stylist, poisoning
Ludwig Boltzmann (1906), physicist, hanging
Jeremy Michael Boorda (1996), Chief of Naval Operations, US Navy
Tadeusz Borowski (1951), Polish writer and concentration camp survivor, asphyxiation
Georges Boulanger (1891), French politician and general, gunshot
Patrick Bourque (2007), Canadian bass guitarist (Emerson Drive)
Tommy Boyce (1994), with Bobby Hart, songwriter for The Monkees, gunshot
Karin Boye (1941), Swedish poet, sleeping pill overdose
Charles Boyer (1978), film star, Seconal overdose
Camilo Castelo Branco (1890), Portuguese writer, gunshot
Jonathan Brandis (2003), American actor, hanging
Cheyenne Brando (1995), daughter of Marlon Brando, hanging
Mike Brant (1974), pop singer, jumped from a window.
Eva Braun (1945), mistress and then wife of Adolf Hitler, cyanide
Richard Brautigan (1984), American writer, gunshot
Herman Brood (2001), Dutch musician and painter, jumped from roof
Barry Brown (1978), actor and writer, gunshot
Oskar Brüsewitz (1976), East German cleric, committed self-immolation in protest of East Germany's persecution of Protestants
Brutus (42 BC), Roman politician, assassin of Julius Caesar, fell on sword after failing to find volunteer to kill him
Eustace Budgell (1737), friend of Samuel Johnson, threw himself out of a boat
Bernard Buffet (1999), French painter ('The Crucifixion'), suffocation
Rembrandt Bugatti (1916), Italian sculptor, natural gas
Dan Burros (1965), Jewish Neo-Nazi, gunshot
Andres Caicedo (1977), Colombian novelist, drug overdose
José Luis Calva (2007), Mexican writer, cannibal and serial killer, hanging
Donald Cammell (1996), Scottish film director, gunshot
Capucine (1990), French actress, jumped out of window
Arthur Edmund Carewe (1937), American actor, gunshot
Wallace Hume Carothers (1937), world renowned chemist, cyanide
Don Carpenter (1995), American novelist, gunshot
Dora Carrington (1932), artist, gunshot
Kevin Carter (1994), award-winning South African photographer and member of the Bang-Bang Club, carbon monoxide
Tim Carter (2008), British footballer, hanging
Hugh Casey (1951), baseball player, gunshot
Adolphe Mouron Cassandre (1968), writer
Gaius Cassius Longinus (42 BC), Roman politician, co-assassin of Julius Caesar, ordered his freedman to slay him
Robert Stewart, Viscount Castlereagh (1822), British politician, cut his throat
Cato the younger (46 BC), Roman republican statesman, stabbed himself with his own sword
Ugo Cavallero (1943), Italian Field Marshal, gunshot
Paul Celan (1970), Romanian poet, drowning
Valerie Chacon (1982), wife of Bobby Chacon, gunshot
Pauline Chan (2002), Hong Kong actress, jumped off building
Iris Chang (2004), Chinese-American author, gunshot
Kathy Change (1996), American performance artist and political activist, self-immolation
Claude Chappe (1805), French inventor, threw himself down a well
Thomas Chatterton (1770), English poet, arsenic
Leslie Cheung (2003), Hong Kong movie star and singer, jumped off building
Vere Gordon Childe (1957), Australian archaeologist and historian, jumped off Govett's Leap in the Blue Mountains
Brett Chidester (2003), American teenager, asphyxiation, led to Brett’s law
Seung-Hui Cho (2007), shooter in the Virginia Tech massacre; turned his gun on himself after killing 32 people
Choi Jin-sil (2008), South Korean actress, hanging
Chongzhen Emperor of China (1644), the last emperor of the Ming Dynasty, ordered his household to commit suicide, then hanged himself
Edwin Pearce Christy, (1862), American entertainer, founder of the Christy Minstrels, threw himself from window
Christine Chubbuck (1974), American television journalist, shot herself in the head on live TV after reading the news
Chung Mong-hun (2003), Korean businessman, chairman of Hyundai Asan, jumped out of building
Diana Churchill (1963), UK social worker, eldest daughter of Sir Winston Churchill, barbiturate overdose
Jeremiah Clarke (1707), composer of Prince of Denmark's March (Trumpet Voluntary), shot himself
Alasdair Clayre (1985), British academic, writer, broadcaster and singer, jumped in front of train
Charles Clegg (1979), American author, photographer and railroad enthusiast
Charmian Clift (1969), Australian writer, wife of George Johnston, barbiturate overdose
Robert Clive (1774), British conqueror of India and founder of the Empire, cut throat with pen-knife
Kurt Cobain (1994), Lead singer of Nirvana, shotgun
Bob Collins (2007), Australian politician, overdose
Sid Collins (1977), radio voice of the Indianapolis 500, hanged himself after being diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
Ray Combs (1996), former host of popular game show Family Feud, hanging
Tarka Cordell (2008), British musician, hanging
Pamela Courson (1974), longtime girlfriend of Jim Morrison, unknown whether she accidentally or purposefully overdosed
F. W. S. Craig (1989), UK election expert
Leighton Crandle (1995), UK musician / recording artist
Hart Crane (1932), American poet; jumped from a boat
Darby Crash (1980), American songwriter, singer of the Germs, intentional heroin overdose
René Crevel (1935), French writer, gassed himself
Richard Croft (1818), obstetrician, shot himself
Dennis Crosby (1991), actor, son of Bing Crosby, gunshot
Harry Crosby (1929), writer, publisher
Lindsay Crosby (1989), actor, son of Bing Crosby, gunshot
Géza Csáth (1919), Hungarian writer, poison
Andrew Cunanan (1997), killer of Gianni Versace and four others, gunshot
Will Cuppy (1949), American writer, humorist, sleeping pill overdose
Ian Curtis (1980), lead singer and songwriter of Joy Division, hanging
Adam Czerniakow (1943), Polish-Jewish head of the Warsaw Ghetto Judenrat, poisoned himself rather than hand over children for gassing.
Stig Dagerman (1954), Swedish author
Dalida (1987), French singer, barbiturate overdose
Monika Dannemann (1996), girlfriend of Jimi Hendrix, carbon monoxide
Bella Darvi (1971), actress, natural gas
Edward Davidson (2008), American spammer and convicted criminal, gunshot
Cliff Davies (2008), British-American drummer, gunshot
Dazai Osamu (1948), Japanese novelist, drowning
Guy Debord (1994), French philosopher, member of Situationist International, gunshot
Decebalus (106), Dacian king, cut his throat to avoid being exhibited as a Roman prisoner
Jeanine Deckers (1985), Belgian religious, known as The Singing Nun, barbiturate and alcohol overdose
Delphine Delamare (1848), French woman, the basis for Flaubert's Madame Bovary, cyanide
Gilles Deleuze (1995), French philosopher, jumped from apartment window
Brad Delp (2007), lead singer of Boston, asphyxiation by carbon monoxide
Penelope Delta (1941), Greek author, ingested poison the same day the Germans invaded Athens
Denice Denton (2006), University of California Chancellor, jumped from 42-story San Francisco apartment building
Angela Devi (2006), American adult model, suicide by asphyxiation
Patrick Dewaere (1982), French actor, gunshot
Rudolf Diesel (1913), inventor of the Diesel engine, jumped from boat
Dipendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev (2001), young King of Nepal, shot himself after assassinating his father, King Birendra, and other members of the royal family.
Thomas Disch (2008), American poet and novelist, shooting
Hugo Distler (1942), German composer, gas
Desmond Donnelly (1974), British politician and journalist, barbiturate and alcohol overdose
Terence Donovan (1996), English celebrity photographer, hanging
Patric Doonan (1958), British actor
Michael Dorris (1997), American writer, drug overdose and suffocation
Osvaldo Dorticós Torrado (1983), former president of Cuba, gunshot
Chris Doty (2006), Canadian filmmaker and playwright, hanging
Charmaine Dragun (2007), Australian newsreader, jumped from a cliff
Pierre Drieu La Rochelle (1945), French novelist
Dr. Jonathan Drummond-Webb (2004), American heart surgeon, oxycodone overdose
Micke Dubois (2005), Swedish comedian, hanging
Thich Quang Duc (1963), Vietnamese Buddhist monk, self-immolation
Pete Duel (1971), American actor, gunshot
K. Sello Duiker (2005), South African author, hanging
Davor Dujmović (1999), Yugoslavian-Roma actor, hanging
R. Budd Dwyer (1987), American politician, shot himself on live television
George Eastman (1932), inventor of the Eastman Kodak Camera, gunshot
Merritt A. Edson (1955), Medal of Honor recipient for actions at Guadalcanal, gas
Paul Ehrenfest (1933), physicist, made major contributions to quantum mechanics, gunshot
Jim Ellison (1996), Lead singer and guitarist of Material Issue, carbon-monoxide poisoning
Gudrun Ensslin (1977) Founder of the German terrorist group, "Red Army Faction, hanging
Peg Entwistle (1932), Welsh-born actress, jumped from the "Hollywood" sign
Tom Evans (1983), musician and member of Badfinger, hanging
Landis Everson (2007), American poet, gunshot
Audrey Fagan (2007), Australian Federal Police assistant commissioner, hanging
Angus Fairhurst (2008), British artist, hanging
Richard Farnsworth (2000), U.S. actor, gunshot
Justin Fashanu (1998), British footballer, hanging
René Favaloro (2000), Argentinian doctor, creator of coronary artery bypass surgery, gunshot
Paul Federn (1950), Austrian-American psychoanalyst
Jeff Fehring (2008), Australian footballer
Andrea Feldman (1972), American actress and Warhol superstar, jumped out of building
Hans Fischer (1945), A Nobel Prize winning German Chemist
George Fiske (1918), American photographer, shot himself
Robert FitzRoy (1865), Governor-General of New Zealand, Royal Navy officer, Nephew of the Viscount Castlereagh, razor
Ed Flanders (1995), American actor (St. Elsewhere), gunshot
Frederick Fleet (1965), Titanic lookout who first spotted the iceberg, hanging
John Gould Fletcher (1950), Pulitzer Prize winning poet, drowning
Bernard Floud (1967), UK Member of Parliament, gas and barbiturates
James V. Forrestal (1949), former U.S. Secretary of Defense, fall from window, possible homicide
Dédé Fortin (2000), leader and singer of Québec band Les Colocs, stabbed himself
Vincent Foster (1993), Deputy White House Counsel, gunshot
Wade Frankum (1991), spree shooter of Strathfield Massacre, gunshot
Sigmund Freud (1939), founder of psychoanalysis, morphine overdose
John Friedrich (1991), Australian businessman and fraud, gunshot
Misao Fujimura (1903), Japanese high school student, drowning
Anton Furst (1991), Production designer, jumped from the eighth floor of a parking structure
Philip Gale (1998), American software developer, jumped out of window
Hughie Gallacher (1957), Scottish footballer, threw himself in front of a train
Ted Gärdestad (1997), Swedish pop musician, jumped in front of train
Dave Garroway (1982), television host, gunshot
Romain Gary (1980), Russian-French novelist, film director and diplomat, gunshot
Danny Gatton (1994), American guitarist, gunshot
Michel Gauquelin (1991), French psychologist and astrology researcher
Martha Gellhorn (1998), American author and war correspondent, poison
Kostas Georgakis (1970), student, self-immolation as a protest to the Greek military junta of 1967-1974
Peter George (1966), British author (Red Alert)
Mark Gertler (1939), British artist
Henri Giffard (1882), French aeronautical engineer
Michael Gilden (2006), American actor, hanging
Kimveer Gill (2006), Dawson College shooting, shot himself after being wounded by police
Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1935), American feminist and author (Herland & The Yellow Wallpaper), inhaled chloroform
Odilo Globocnik (1945), Austrian Nazi leader, cyanide poisoning
Kurt Gödel (1978), German logician and mathematician, intentional self-starvation
Joseph Goebbels (1945), German Nazi leader, gunshot
Hermann Göring (1946), German Nazi leader, cyanide poisoning hours before he was due to be hanged
Julen Goikoetxea (2006), Spanish cyclist, jumped off balcony
Fritha Goodey (2004), British actress, stabbed self in chest
Paula Goodspeed (2008), American idol contestant
Gordian I (238), Roman emperor, hanged himself with his belt
Adam Lindsay Gordon (1870), Australian poet, gunshot
Arshile Gorky (1948), Armenian painter, hanging
André Gorz (2007), Austrian-French social philosopher, lethal injection
Anders Göthberg (2008), Swedish guitarist, jumped from Västerbron, Stockholm
Eddie Graham (1985), American professional wrestler, gunshot
Shauna Grant (1984), American adult film actress, gunshot
Spalding Gray (2004), American playwright, drowned in Atlantic after jumping off Staten Island Ferry
Richard Green (1983), boxing referee
Peter Gregg (1980), race car driver, gunshot
Robert von Greim (1945), German Luftwaffe air marshal, cyanide
Louis-Gabriel Guillemain (1770), French violinist and composer, stabbed himself
Antonio Guzmán Fernández (1982), serving president of the Dominican Republic, gunshot
Clara Immerwahr Haber (1915) German chemical engineer and wife of Dr. Fritz Haber, gunshot
Jerry Hadley (2007), American operatic tenor, gunshot
Ryan Halligan (2003), American teen cyber-bullying victim, hanging
Kenneth Halliwell (1967), British writer, lover and murderer of Joe Orton, sleeping pill overdose
Mitch Halpern (2000), American boxing referee, gunshot
Pete Ham (1975), Welsh musician and member of Badfinger, hanging
Rusty Hamer (1990), American former child actor (The Danny Thomas Show), gunshot
Lois Hamilton (1999), American actress, model, author, aviatrix, sleeping pill overdose and suffocation
Thomas Hamilton (1996), killed 16 five-year-olds and their teacher in the Dunblane massacre, gunshot
Walter Hammerl (1981), Singer with Austrian band Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung.
Tony Hancock (1968), British comedian, overdose of vodka and barbiturates.
St. John Hankin (1909), British poet, drowning
Edward Allen Hannegan (1859), U.S. Congressman from Indiana, morphine overdose
Hannibal (182 BC), Carthaginian military commander, poison
Lewis Vernon Harcourt (1922), British politician, killed himself after public exposure as a pedophile
James Harden-Hickey (1898), U.S. eccentric and author of a book on the appeal of suicide, morphine overdose
Mary Hardy (1985), Australian TV personality (found dead in the bath and was presumed to have committed suicide)
Eric Harris (1999), one of the shooters in the Columbine High School massacre, gunshot
Tony Harris (2007), American basketball player, apparent hanging
Michael D. Harter (1896), U.S. Congressman from Ohio
Brynn Hartman (1998), wife and murderer of actor Phil Hartman, gunshot
Elizabeth Hartman (1987), U.S. actress, jumped from window
Arihiro Hase (1996), Japanese voice actor, jumped from window
Donny Hathaway (1979), American soul musician, jumped from window
Felix Hausdorff (1942), mathematician, committed suicide with his wife and sister-in-law in a concentration camp
Phyllis Haver (1960), American actress of the silent film era, barbiturate overdose
Brandi Hawbaker (2008), American poker player
Benjamin Haydon (1846), British painter
Jeanne Hébuterne (1920), painter, partner of artist Amedeo Modigliani, jumped out of window
Sadegh Hedayat (1951), Iranian writer, gas
John Heddle (1989), British politician
Marvin Heemeyer (2004), American vigilante, gunshot
Ernest Hemingway (1961), American novelist, gunshot
Margaux Hemingway (1996), American actress and model, granddaughter of Ernest Hemingway, phenobarbital overdose
Benjamin Hendrickson (2006), American actor (As The World Turns), gunshot
Konrad Henlein (1945), Czechoslovakian Nazi official, slashed wrists
George Hennard (1991), American spree-killer (Luby's Massacre), gunshot
James Leo Herlihy (1993), U.S. novelist (Midnight Cowboy), sleeping pill overdose
Willard Hershberger (1940), Cincinnati Reds catcher, slashed wrists
Paul Hester (2005), Australian musician, drummer for Split Enz and Crowded House, self-strangulation
George W. Hill (1934), American film director
Heinrich Himmler (1945), German SS leader, cyanide
Joel Henry Hinrichs III (2005), detonated suicide bomb at the University of Oklahoma
Adolf Hitler (1945), leader of Nazi Germany, gunshot/cyanide
Don Hollenbeck (1954), CBS news anchor, inhalation of natural gas
Doug Hopkins (1993), American musician and founding member of rock group Gin Blossoms, gunshot
Harry Horse (2007), British author, illustrator and cartoonist, stabbing
Elmyr de Hory (1976), Hungarian art forger, sleeping pill overdose
Soad Hosny (2001) Egyptian actress, jumped off balcony.
Robert E. Howard (1936), American creator of pulp heroes Soloman Kane, King Kull, and Conan the Barbarian, gunshot
Ivan Hribar (1941), Yugoslav politician, drowned himself in a river
Willis Nathaniel Huggins (1941), American historian and activist, drowned in Hudson river
Danton Hughes (2001), Australian sculptor, son of Time magazine art critic Robert Hughes, gas
Phyllis Hyman (1995), American singer, overdose of alcohol and sleeping pills
Robin Hyde (1939), New Zealand writer and poet, benzedrin poisoning
Youssef Idilbi (2008), Dutch actor, jumped from the roof of a building
William Inge (1973), U.S. playwright (Picnic, Come Back, Little Sheba, Bus Stop, Splendor in the Grass), carbon monoxide
Juzo Itami (1997), Japanese actor and film director, jumped off building
Bruce Edwards Ivins (2008), American microbiologist suspected of the 2001 anthrax attacks, overdose
Alice de Janzé (1941), American heiress, gunshot
Vittorio Jano (1965), automobile design engineer
Richard Jeni (2007), comedian, gunshot
Clayne Jeffs, nephew of Warren Jeffs, committed suicide with a firearm after admitting that Warren Jeffs had sexually assaulted him as a child.
Johnny "J" (2008), American record producer, jumped from ledge
Anson Jones (1858), doctor, businessman, congressman, and the last president of the Republic of Texas, gunshot
Jim Jones (1978), leader of the Peoples Temple cult, died along with 914 of his followers in a mass murder-suicide at Jonestown in northwestern Guyana, gunshot
Alex Jordan (1995), American adult film actress, hanging
Timothy Jordan II (2005), The All-American Rejects' touring keyboardist
Nafisa Joseph (2004), Femina India Universe 1997, Miss Universe 1997 semi-finalist and MTV VJ, hanging
Luc Jouret (1994), homeopath, Belgian cult leader
Attila József (1937), Hungarian poet, jumped in front of train
Jung Da Bin (2007), South Korean Actress, hanging
Claude Jutra (1986), Quebec film actor, writer, and director, drowning
Aleksei Maksimovich Kaledin (1918), Cossack leader during the Russian Civil War
Joerg Kalt (2007), Austrian film director and cinematographer
Sarah Kane (1999), British playwright, hanging
Kostas Karyotakis (1928), Greek poet, gunshot
Romas Kalanta (1972), Lithuanian, self-immolation after speaking out against Soviet government
Yasunari Kawabata (1972), Japanese writer and Nobel Prize for Literature laureate, gas
Kawakami Bizan (1908), Japanese novelist
Brian Keith (1997), American actor (Family Affair), gunshot
Dr. David Kelly (2003), British scientist, source of BBC story about the September Dossier, overdose and slashed wrist
Samuel Austin Kendall (1933), congressman from Pennsylvania, gunshot
Levi Kereama (2008), Singer; Australian Idol contestant, jumped from a highrise
Kim Ji-hoo (2008), South Korean actor and model, hanging
Preston King (1865), Senator from New York, leapt from ferryboat in New York Harbor
James Arthur Kjelgaard (1959), American outdoorsman and author of young adult literature
Heinrich von Kleist (1811), German dramatist and poet, gunshot
Jochen Klepper (1942), German writer, poet and journalist, gas
Dylan Klebold (1999), One of the teen gunmen of the Columbine High School Massacre, gunshot
Günther von Kluge (1944), German Field Marshal, cyanide
Ivan Korade (2008), Croatian general and murder suspect, gunshot
Fletcher Knebel (1993), U.S. novelist (Seven Days in May), sleeping pill overdose
William F. Knowland (1974), former Senate Majority Leader, gunshot
Arthur Koestler (1983), journalist, novelist, political activist and social philosopher, overdose
Sarah Kofman (1994), French philosopher
Hannelore Kohl (2001), wife of German ex-chancellor Helmut Kohl, sleeping pill overdose
Takako Konishi (2001), Japanese office worker whose death was mistakenly reported to involve the movie Fargo, overdose
Prince Fumimaro Konoe (1945), Japanese war criminal, cyanide
Alexandros Korizis (1941), Greek prime minister, gunshot
Ruslana Korshunova (2008), fashion model, jumped from building
Jerzy Kosinski (1991), Polish-American author, barbiturate overdose and suffocation
Philip Taylor Kramer (1995), rock musician (guitarist of Iron Butterfly) and physicist
Louis Krages (2001), German race car driver and businessman (raced under the name of "John Winter"), gunshot
Ivar Kreuger (1932) Swedish financier, entrepreneur and industrialist, "The Match King", gunshot
Friedrich Wilhelm Krüger (1945), Nazi official during WWII, gunshot
Friedrich Alfred Krupp (1902), German industrialist, committed suicide when his homosexuality was revealed.
Paul Lafargue (1911), son-in-law of Karl Marx, communist theorist and author of The Right to Be Lazy
Robert M. La Follette, Jr. (1953), senator from Wisconsin, gunshot
Karen Lancaume (2005), French adult film star; overdose on sleeping pills
Carole Landis (1948), American actress; overdose of seconal
James H. Lane (1866), senator from Kansas, general in Civil War, gunshot
Hans Langsdorff (1939), captain of the Admiral Graf Spee, gunshot
Napoleon Lapathiotis (1944), Greek writer, gunshot
Rod Lauren (2007), American actor and singer, jumped from balcony
Florence Lawrence (1938), American film actress, poison
George P. Lawrence (1917), representative from Massachusetts, jumped out of building to death due to stress caused by World War I
Adam Ledwoń (2008), Polish footballer, hanging
Lee Eun-ju (2005), Korean actress, hanging
Jon Lee (2002), drummer of the band Feeder, hanging
Lee Kyung Hae (2003) South Korean farmer and activist, stabbed himself at a protest
Megan Leigh (1990), American erotic dancer and porn star, gunshot
Norman van Lennep (1897), Dutch chess master
Marc Lepine (1989), Canada's most prolific spree killer; gunshot
Primo Levi (1987), Italian author and Auschwitz survivor, jumped out of building
Robert Ley (1945), Nazi war criminal, hanging
Friedrich Leibacher (2001), killer of 14 in Zug massacre, gunshot
Max Linder, (1925), French actor
Vachel Lindsay (1931), American poet, drank a bottle of Lysol
Louis Lingg (1887), scheduled to be hanged for his alleged role in the Haymarket Square riot bomb, committed suicide by holding a lit stick of dynamite in his mouth
Diane Linkletter (1969), daughter of Art Linkletter, jumped out of window
Friedrich List (1846), German economist
Jesse Lauriston Livermore (1940), US stock trader, gunshot
Mikael Ljungberg (2004), Swedish wrestler, Olympic gold medalist
Peter Llewelyn-Davies (1960), UK publisher who inspired J. M. Barrie's Peter Pan, threw himself in front of a train
Ross Lockridge, Jr. (1948}, U.S. novelist, author of Raintree County, asphyxiation via car fumes
Philip Loeb (1955), blacklisted American actor, barbiturate overdose
Mark Lombardi (2000), U.S. artist whose art described international white-collar crime networks, hanging
Terry Long (2005), former NFL player, ingested antifreeze
Hans Loritz (1946), concentration camp commandant at various times — Esterwegen, Dachau, Sachsenhausen
Noah Lottick (1990), Scientologist, profiled in TIME article The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power
Gang Lu (1991), physics graduate student and mass murderer at the University of Iowa, gunshot
Gherasim Luca (1994), Romanian surrealist, jumped into the Seine
Lucan (65), Roman poet, fatally cut himself
Ron Luciano (1995), baseball umpire, carbon monoxide
Aleksandr Mikhailovich Lyapunov (1918), Russian mathematician, mechanician and physicist
Roman Lyashenko (2003), professional hockey player, hanging
Billy Mackenzie (1997), lead singer of 1980s pop group The Associates, overdose
Richard Manuel, (1986), singer, multi-instrumentalist, member of The Band, hanged himself while on tour in Florida
Simone Mareuil, (1954), French film actress, self-immolation
Andrew Martinez (2006), nude activist, suffocation by plastic bag
Magnentius (353), Roman usurper, fell on his sword
Anton Maiden (2003), Swedish singer
Willy Mairesse (1969), Belgian race car driver
Sándor Márai (1989), Hungarian writer and journalist, gunshot
Harry Martinson (1978), Swedish author, by scissors
Toshikatsu Matsuoka (2007), Japanese politician, hanging
Denis Matthews (1988), UK pianist
Maximian (310), Roman emperor, hanged himself after a failed plot
Vladimir Mayakovsky (1930), Russian poet; his suicide note said "I don't recommend it for others," gunshot
Jacques Mayol (2001), French free-diver, hanging
Susannah McCorkle (2001), jazz singer, jumped from balcony
Kid McCoy (1940), world champion boxer (real name: Norman Shelby), overdose
Chris McKinstry (2006), researcher in Artificial Intelligence, gas
Robert M. McLane (1904), mayor of Baltimore, gunshot
Gordon McMaster (1997), British politician, Asphyxia by automobile exhaust
Charles B. McVay III (1968), commanded USS Indianapolis (CA-35) when torpedoed during World War II, gunshot
Matthew Mechtel (2008), American politician and agricultural promoter, gunshot
Joe Meek (1967), record producer, gunshot
Abdullah Mehsud (2007), Pakistani Taliban commander, hand grenade
Niklaus Meienberg (1993), Swiss writer and investigative journalist, suffocation by garbage bag
Kitty Melrose (1912), English actress
Adolf Merckle (2009), German businessman, jumped in front of a train
Charlotte Mew (1928), English poet, drank Lysol
Noel Mewton-Wood (1953), Australian pianist; drank prussic acid
James Miller (2003), known as the Fan Man, parachutist, hanging
Walter M. Miller, Jr. (1996), science-fiction writer, gunshot
Mary Millington (1979), British adult film actress, overdose
Freddie Mills (1965), world champion boxer, gunshot
William Oswald Mills (1973), U.S. congressman from Maryland, gunshot
John Milton (1865), Governor of Florida, gunshot
Minamoto no Yorimasa (1180), Japanese poet, seppuku
Yukio Mishima (1970), Japanese novelist, public ritual seppuku
Kazuyoshi Miura (2008), Japanese businessman and suspected murderer, hanging
Ana Mladić (1994), daughter of Serbian General Ratko Mladić, indicted for war crimes, gunshot
Vilhelm Moberg (1973), Swedish author and historian, drowned
Walther Model (1945), German Field Marshal, gunshot
Arthur Moeller van den Bruck (1925), German cultural historian
George de Mohrenschildt (1977), gunshot wound to the mouth
Moses Taiwa Molelekwa (2001), South African jazz pianist, hanging
Henry de Montherlant (1972), French writer, cyanide pill and gunshot to the head
Donnie Moore (1989), relief pitcher for the California Angels (today Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim), gunshot
Chris Morgan (2008), British journalist, threw himself in front of a train
Duane R. Morrison (2006), Platte Canyon High School shooting
Ted Moult (1986), British television personality, gunshot
Al Mulock (1968), Canadian actor, committed suicide on the set of his last film Once Upon a Time in the West, jumped from window
David Munrow (1976), UK early music specialist, founder of the Early Music Consort, hanging
James Murray (1936), American silent film actor (The Crowd), drowned in the Hudson River
Matthew J. Murray (2007), American spree killer (2007 Colorado YWAM and New Life shootings), self-inflicted gunshot after being shot by a security guard
Hisayasu Nagata (2009), Japanese politician, jumped from a building
Murat Nasyrov (2007), Russian-Kazakh singer, jumped from balcony
Scott Nearing (1983), American peace activist and practical conservationist; by self-starvation at nearly 100 years of age
Oskar Nedbal (1930), Czech composer (The Tale of the Simply Johnny); jumped out a window on Christmas Eve
Nekojiru (1998), aka Hashiguchi Chiyomi, Japanese mangaka
Nero (68), emperor of Rome, stabbed himself while being pursued by Roman soldiers
Gérard de Nerval (1855), French writer, hanging
Joachim Nielsen (2000), Norwegian singer in the band Jokke & Valentinerne, overdosed on heroin
Goce Nikolovski (2006), Macedonian singer, gunshot.
Ni Min-jan (2005), Taiwanese actor and comedian, hanged.
Frank Nitti (1943), United States gangster, gunshot
Maresuke Nogi (1912), Japanese hero of Russo-Japanese war, committed seppuku with his wife following death of Meiji emperor
Jon Nödtveidt (2006), frontman of Swedish black metal band Dissection, gunshot
Alighiero Noschese (1979), Italian impersonator, shot himself.
Lawrence Oates (1912), Antarctic explorer; he said "I am just going outside and may be some time" when he walked out of the tent to his death in the blizzard, leaving behind Robert Falcon Scott and the others
John O'Brien (1994), author of Leaving Las Vegas (on which the film was based), gunshot
C. Y. O'Connor (1902), Irish engineer, gunshot
Hugh O'Connor (1995), actor, gunshot
Luis Ocaña (1994), Spanish cyclist, Tour de France winner, gunshot
Phil Ochs (1976), American singer, hanged himself in sister's apartment, Far Rockaway, New York
Per Yngve Ohlin (a.k.a. Dead), (1991), vocalist for band Mayhem, killed himself with a shotgun after having slashed his wrist and cut his throat
Yukiko Okada (1986), Japanese idol of the 1980s, jumped from a seven story building after failed wrist slashing and gas inhalation attempts
Otho (69), Roman emperor, stabbed himself with a dagger
Wayne Pai (2008), Taiwanese businessman
Jan Palach (1969), protesting Soviet crushing of the Prague Spring, self-immolation
Deborah Jeane Palfrey (2008), American escort agency proprietor, hanging
Breece D'J Pancake (1979), American short story author, gunshot
Billy Papke (1936), world champion boxer, gunshot
Violeta Parra (1967), Chilean folk singer, gunshot
Phasael (40 BC), prince from the Herodian Dynasty, head injury
Jules Pascin (1930), French-American painter, slit wrists and hanged himself
John Patrick (1995), U.S. playwright and screenwriter; placed a plastic bag over his head
Pat “Gravy” Patterson (2007), U.S. college baseball coach, gunshot
Cesare Pavese (1950), Italian poet, novelist
George Periolat (1940), Silent film actor, drank arsenic
Petronius Arbiter (66), Roman satirist; opened his own veins
William Phillips (2007), American gunman (Johnson Space Center shooting), gunshot
Justin Pierce (2000), British Actor, hanging.
Richard Piggott (1890), author of the Piggott Forgeries, gunshot
H. Beam Piper (1964), American science fiction writer, gunshot
Alejandra Pizarnik (1972), Argentine poet, seconal overdose
Sylvia Plath (1963), American poet, author and essayist; gassed in kitchen oven
Dana Plato (1999), American actress, drug overdose
Derrick Plourde (2005), Musician, drummer of the Ataris, Lagwagon, Bad Astronaut, RKL and Mad Caddies; shot himself on March 30th
Stevie Plunder (1995), Australian guitarist of The Whitlams, jumped from Wentworth Falls
Ben Pollack (1971), drummer and big-band leader from the mid '20s to the Swing era, hanging
Jan Potocki (1815), Polish aristocrat, traveler, writer; shot himself with a silver bullet
Marc Potvin (2006), Hockey coach, hanged himself
Nicos Poulantzas (1979), Greco-French Marxist political sociologist
Felix Powell (1942), UK song writer best known forPack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag and Smile, Smile, Smile, once described as "the most optimistic song ever written", gunshot
Kiki Preston (1946), American heiress, Jumped from window
Lucien Anatole Prevost-Paradol (1870), French journalist and diplomat, gunshot
Mark Priestley (2008), actor on the Australian hit TV series All Saints, jumped from the roof of a hotel in Sydney
Freddie Prinze (1977), Puerto Rican American comedian and actor, best known for television show Chico and the Man, died of self inflicted gunshot wound
Carlos Prío Socarrás (1977), former president of Cuba, gunshot
Boris Pugo (1991), Latvian serving minister of the Interior of the USSR; self-inflicted gunshot
Jack Purvis (1962), American jazz trumpeter
Antero de Quental (1891), Portuguese poet, gunshot
Richard Quine (1989), U.S. film director, gunshot
Robert Quine (2004), guitar player of Richard Hell & the Voidoids, overdose
Glenn Quinn (2002), Irish-American actor; Roseanne & Angel; Heroin overdose
Qu Yuan (ca. 278 BC) Chinese patriotic poet during the Warring States Period, drowning
Jason Raize (2004), American Broadway actor and recording star who originated the role of Simba in the Lion King on Broadway.
Florencio Morales Ramos (1989), known as Ramito, trova singer, gunshot
Lynne Randell (2007), Australian singer, overdose
Kuljeet Randhawa (2006), Indian television actress, hanging
Danny Rapp (1983), frontman for Danny & the Juniors, gunshot
David Rappaport (1990), actor, gunshot
Abram Raselemane (2008), South African footballer
Margaret Mary Ray (1998), David Letterman stalker, knelt in front of a train
Liam Rector (2007), American poet, gunshot
Alfred Redl (1913), Austrian army officer, spied for Russia, gunshot
George Reeves (1959), American actor, played Superman on television, death officially ruled as suicide by gunshot, but remains controversial to this day
David Reimer (2004), Canadian advocate, known as the "John/Joan" case, gunshot
John Reynolds (1966), American actor, played Torgo in the infamous cult classic "Manos" The Hands of Fate, gunshot or overdose
Thomas Caute Reynolds (1887), Confederate Governor of Missouri, jumped down elevator shaft
Thomas Reynolds (1844), Governor of Missouri 1840-1844, shot himself
David Ritcheson (2007), hate crime victim; jumped off cruise ship
René Rivkin (2005), Australian stockbroker and entrepreneur
Carlos Roberto Reina (2003), former president of Honduras, gunshot
Malachi Ritscher (2006), burned himself to death as an anti-war protest on Chicago's Kennedy expressway
Angel Rivero Mendez (1930), Puerto Rican soldier for the Spanish Army, inventor, gunshot
John Robarts (1982), former Premier of the Canadian province of Ontario, 1961-1971; committed suicide with shotgun
Rachel Roberts (1980), Welsh-born British actress, overdose
Bill Robinzine (1982), American basketball player, carbon monoxide poisoning
Charles Rocket (2005), American comedian, slit own throat
Sue Rodriguez (1994), Canadian amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) victim and advocate for Euthanasia, assisted suicide
Lukasz Romanek (2006), Polish Speedway rider, former World Under 21 champion. Found dead in his workshop
Samuel Romilly (1818), British prison reformer, slit own throat
Edgar Rosenberg (1987), husband of Joan Rivers, overdose
Mark Rothko (1970), Russian-American painter, slit arms
Jacques Roux (1794), leader of the Enrages in the French Revolution, stabbed himself while facing execution
Ruan Lingyu (1935), Chinese actress, overdose
Irv Rubin (2002), leader of the Jewish Defense League, cut throat and fell off balcony
Thomas Jefferson Rusk (1857), senator from Texas, gunshot
Michael Ryan (1987), mass murderer at Hungerford; self-inflicted gunshot wound after killing many others
Jakub Jan Ryba (1815), Czech composer and teacher, slit own throat
Matti Juhani Saari (2008), Finnish school shooter, gunshot
Mário de Sá-Carneiro (1916), Portuguese poet, drank several bottles of strychnine
Emilio Salgari (1911), Italian writer, by stabbing himself
Albert Salmi (1990), American actor, apparently shot his wife to death with one gun and shot himself in the heart with another
Johanna Sällström, (2007) Swedish actress
Alexander Samsonov (1914), Russian military commander, gunshot to head following disastrous Battle of Tannenberg
George Sanders (1972), English actor, barbiturate overdose
Alberto Santos-Dumont (1932), Brazilian aviation pioneer, hanging to protest against airplane use for war
Bruce Sarver (2005), American NHRA driver, gunshot
Drake Sather (2004), American standup comedian, gunshot
Savannah (1994), American porn actress, shot herself with a handgun
Gia Scala (1972), British actress, overdose of drugs and alcohol, after previous unsuccessful suicide attempts
David Scarboro (1988), British actor (EastEnders), threw himself from Beachy Head
Petrus Schaesberg (2008), German art historian, jumped from building
Eugen Schauman (1904), Finnish nationalist, assassin of Governor-General Nikolai Ivanovich Bobrikov, gunshot
Margie Schoedinger (2003), filed lawsuit against George W. Bush claiming that she had been raped, gunshot
Dave Schulthise (2004), bassist for Dead Milkmen
Conrad Schumann (1998), GDR refugee, hanging
Ingo Schwichtenberg (1995), former drummer of German power metal band Helloween, jumped in front of subway
William Seabrook (1945), adventurer, travel writer, overdose
Jean Seberg (1979), American actress, barbiturate overdose
Edie Sedgwick (1972), American socialite, Warhol superstar, overdose
Sergio López Segú (2006), Spanish footballer, threw himself under a train
Anne Sexton (1974), American poet, inhaled carbon monoxide
Frances Ford Seymour (1950), NYC socialite, mother of Peter and Jane Fonda, slit own throat
Shang Zhou (1046 BC), the last king of the Shang Dynasty of China, set fire to his palace while inside it
Del Shannon (1990), American singer, gunshot
David "Disco D" Shayman (2007), American record producer, hanging
Alice Bradley Sheldon, pen name James Tiptree, Jr (1987), American science fiction author, mercy-killed her terminally ill husband and then shot herself
Shibata Katsuie (1583), Japanese military commander, seppuku
Harold Shipman (2004), imprisoned British doctor found to have killed 250+ of his patients, found dead in prison cell, hanging
Arthur Shrewsbury (1903), former captain of the England cricket team, gunshot
Eli Siegel (1978), founded Aesthetic Realism
Varnado Simpson (1997), Pfc jointly responsible for the My Lai Massacre
Walter Slezak (1983), U.S. actor, gunshot
Everett Sloane (1965), U.S. actor, part of Orson Welles' Mercury Theater
James Leonard Brierley Smith, (1968), South African paleoanatomist, cyanide poisoning
Silk Smitha, South Indian actress, found dead in her apartment
Paul Snider (1980), promoter, murdered Playmate Dorothy Stratten then killed himself, gunshot
Mitch Snyder (1990), U.S. activist, advocate for the homeless, hanging
Soga no Emishi (645), Japanese statesman
Somesvara I (also known as Ahavamalla or Trilokamalla) (1068), king of the Chalukya empire, drowning
Mark Speight (2008), UK children's television presenter, hung himself at Kings Cross Station
John Spence (musician) (1987), U.S. musician, original lead singer of No Doubt; shot himself 9 months after band's 1st official gig, gunshot
Sir Bernard Spilsbury (1947), UK forensic pathologist who helped convict Dr. Crippen; gassed himself in an oven at his laboratory
Wilhelm Stekel (1940), Austrian psychoanalist
Inger Stevens, (1970), Swedish born American film actress, overdose
Gary Stewart (2003), country singer, gunshot
Jay Stewart (1989), TV Announcer, gunshot
Robert Stewart, Viscount Castlereagh (1822), nineteenth-century British statesman, slit own throat
Adalbert Stifter (1868), Austrian writer, slit own throat
Alfonsina Storni (1938), Argentinian poetess; committed suicide, by entering the sea at the La Perla beach near Mar del Plata, Argentina.
David Strickland (1999), actor, hanging
Steven Sueppel (2008), American businessman, thief and mass murderer, purposefully crashed his minivan at high speed
David Edward 'Screaming Lord' Sutch (1999), English rock singer and politician, hanging
Karel Svoboda (2007), Czech composer, gunshot
István Széchenyi (1860), Hungarian statesman, gunshot
Vlado Taneski (2008), Macedonian journalist and serial killer, drowning
Yutaka Taniyama (1958), Japanese mathematician
Alberts Tarulis (1927), Latvian footballer, hanging
Victor Tausk (1919), pioneer psychoanalyst
Tawfik Abu al-Huda Baja (1956), former prime minister of Jordan
Sara Teasdale (1933), American poet, overdose
Pál Teleki (1941), Hungarian statesman, gunshot
Lou Tellegen (1934), Dutch-born American film actor, stabbed self in chest with scissors
Luigi Tenco (1967), Italian singer-songwriter, gunshot
Tewodros II of Ethiopia (1868), Ethiopian Emperor, gunshot
Jack Thayer (1945), Titanic survivor, slashed wrists and throat in his car
Jason Thirsk (1996), bassist of the band Pennywise, gunshot
Jesse B. Thomas (1853), U.S. Senator from Illinois
Hunter S. Thompson (2005), American author, gunshot
Georg Tintner (1999), Austrian-born conductor active in Canada and Australia; jumped 11 stories when he was no longer able to conduct due to illness
Li Tobler (1975), Swiss actress, gunshot
Mutsuo Toi (1938), killed 30 people in the Tsuyama massacre, gunshot
Ernst Toller (1939), German writer, hanging
Mikhail Tomsky (1936), Russian revolutionary, gunshot
Wolfe Tone (1798), Irish independence leader
John Kennedy Toole (1969), American novelist, asphyxiation by carbon monoxide
Georg Trakl (1914), Austrain poet, cocaine overdose
Silvanus Trevail (1903), Cornish architect, shot himself in the lavatory of a train
Metod Trobec (2006), Slovenian killer
Kokichi Tsuburaya (1968), Japanese Olympic marathon runner, slit own throat
Marina Tsvetaeva (1941), Russian poetess and writer, hanging
Kurt Tucholsky (1935), German journalist and satirist, overdose
John Walker Turnbull (1999), British Soldier, gunshot
Randy Turpin (1966), British world champion boxer, gunshot
Tore Tønne (2002), Norwegian Minister of Health and Social Affairs
Jim Tyrer (1980), All-Pro tackle for the NFL Kansas City Chiefs, murder-suicide, killed his wife and then himself
U;Nee (2007), South Korean Actress And Singer, hanging
Ernst Udet (1941), German air ace and Luftwaffe inspector general, gunshot
Urmuz (1923), Romanian writer
Mitsuru Ushijima (1945), Japanese military commander who lost the Battle of Okinawa, seppuku
Vaishnavi (2006), Indian actress, hanging
W. S. Van Dyke (1941), American film director, method unknown
Peter van Eyck (1969), Dutch-UK film actor
Vincent van Gogh (1890), Dutch Post-Impressionist painter, gunshot to chest
Vicki Van Meter (2008), American pilot, gunshot
Ike Van Zandt (1908), American baseball player, gunshot through his heart
George Washington Vanderbilt III (1961), American yachtsman and scientific explorer, jumping from balcony
Johannes Vares (1946), Estonian poet, doctor and politician
Getúlio Vargas (1954), President of Brazil, killed himself during impeachment trial, gunshot
Publius Quinctilius Varus (9), at the end of the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest
Minnie Vautrin (1941), American missionary who helped the Chinese during the Nanking Massacre in 1937, gassed self by kitchen oven
Lupe Vélez (1944), actress, overdose
Hervé Villechaize (1993), French actor, "Fantasy Island", gunshot
Chris Von Erich (1991), Professional wrestler, gunshot to the head.
Kerry Von Erich (1993), Professional wrestler, shot to the heart on father's ranch.
Mike Von Erich (1987), Professional wrestler, overdosed on the sleeping pill Placidyl and alcohol.
David Foster Wallace (2008), American writer, hanging
Petri Walli (1995), Finnish rock musician, jumped from roof
Larry Walters (1993), US lawn chair pilot; gunshot to the heart.
Wang Guowei (1927), Chinese poet and Imperial supporter, drowned himself when the revolutionary army captured Beijing
Peter Warlock (1930), UK composer (also known as Philip Heseltine), gas poisoning
Andre Waters (2006), former American football player, gunshot
Doodles Weaver (1983), U.S. comedian, member of Spike Jones' City Slickers, gunshot
Gary Webb (2004), U.S. investigative reporter; death ruled as suicide from two gunshots
Otto Weininger (1903), Austrian philosopher
Jeff Weise (2005), Red Lake High School shooter, killed himself with a shotgun after being wounded by police
George Weldon (1963), UK conductor, died in South Africa
Horace Wells (1848), dentist who pioneered the use of anesthesia, slit artery in leg after first taking chloroform
Vince Welnick (2006), Grateful Dead keyboardist, founding member and keyboardist of The Tubes
Fred West (1995), husband of convicted British killer Rosemary West; hanged himself in prison whilst awaiting trial on the same crimes
James Whale (1957), UK film director, drowning
Samuel Whitbread (1815), Whig politician, slit throat
Dan White (1985), assassin of San Francisco mayor George Moscone and city manager Harvey Milk; carbon monoxide
Charles White Whittlesey (1921), Medal of Honor Recipient, famed commander of WWI's Lost Battalion
Kevin Whitrick (2007), British electrical engineer, hung himself live on webcam
Warren Wiebe (1998) American session vocalist, method not known
Roland Weißelberg (2006) Lutheran vicar; set himself alight in the German town of Erfurt, where Martin Luther took his monastic vows in 1505, following the example of Oskar Brüsewitz
Paul Williams (1973), American singer (Temptations), gunshot
Percy Williams (1982), Canadian athlete
Rozz Williams (1998), American musician (Christian Death), hanging
Wendy O. Williams (1998), lead singer of The Plasmatics, gunshot
De'Angelo Wilson (2008), actor, 8 Mile, hanging
Don Wilson (1975), baseball player, carbon monoxide poisoning
Greg Wilton (2000), Australian Federal politician
John Gilbert Winant (1947), Governor of New Hampshire
John Winter (2007), American meteorologist, gunshot
Sheree Winton (1976), UK actress and mother of Dale Winton
Eduard Wirths (1945), military surgeon conducted research work at Auschwitz concentration camp, hanging
Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz , also known as "Witkacy" (1939), Polish author, novelist, painter, philosopher, slit wrists
Frank Wolff (1971), American actor
Woo Bum-kon (1982), killed 57 people in the Gyeongsangnam-do massacre, grenade explosion
Wally Wood (1981), cartoonist, gunshot
Virginia Woolf (1941), British novelist, filled her pockets with stones and walked into a river near her home.
Lluís Maria Xirinacs (2007), Catalan activist
Kelly Yeomans (1997), school girl whose death sparked media controversy, overdose
Sergei Yesenin (1925), Russian poet, husband of Isadora Duncan, hanging
Haile Yimenu (1991), former Prime Minister of Ethiopia
Faron Young (1996), country singer, gunshot
Gig Young (1978), American actor, murder-suicide by gunshot
Barbara Yung (1985), Hong Kong actress and former Miss Hong Kong contestant, carbon monoxide poisoning
Bernd Alois Zimmermann (1970), German composer (Die Soldaten)
Marion Anthony Zioncheck (1936), congressman from Washington; jumped out of office building
Mahmoud Zuabi (2000), Syrian prime minister; shot himself on May 21, two months after resigning over corruption charges
Stefan and Lotte Zweig (1942), Austrian novelist and his wife; barbital overdose
Szmul Zygielbojm (1943), committed suicide to protest the indifference of Allied governments in the face of the Holocaust, carbon monoxide poisoning
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