Enough With The Smell of Books, Okay?
Enough With The Smell of Books, Okay?
by Kassia Krozser
~ LIFE is nothing but PERCEPTIONS ~
If there is one thing we can agree on, in the discussion surrounding ‘digital books’, it is that the issue is not “if eBooks ever take off” but “how eBooks will assimilate”. To my mind, too much energy is wasted on the idea that ‘digital books’ are not the same as ‘physical books’. Focusing on the tactile, the kinesthetic, the heft of books, and comparing that experience to a digital book makes no sense.
Of course they’re different, just like cars, boats, and airplanes are different. Trains are different. All are forms of transportation, all have their strengths and weaknesses. We choose one type of transport over the other for a host of reasons: speed, convenience, experience. Why not so with books?
So, when I see a product positioning itself to recreate the “smell of books” on your eReader, I just want to scream. Stop. The. Madness. Now.
It seems that too many people focus on the ‘physicalness’ of books, to the point that they forget what’s really important (that would be the words contained in said book).
…what my ‘book club’ might be like if we were all so enamored the physical artifact. As I imagine it, we would sit around discussing the binding and the quality of the paper. At some point, someone might bring up ink, and then we would all talk about glue for a while…
It’s time to move beyond the worries about recreating one medium as we explore another. Do we really need our “eBooks” to smell like crunchy bacon?
Let ‘digital books’ be different from ‘physical books’. Both serve a place in our culture, and one will be increasingly important to readers. That doesn’t mean ‘physical books’ will go away, and it doesn’t mean one type of book is better than another. What it means is sometimes one format suits, while other times, another is preferable. Apples.
Though as I write this, all I can think is that if more books smelled like crunchy bacon, I might become a breakfast person.
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