In Evil Hour ~ Gabriel Garcia Marquez
In Evil Hour ~ Gabriel Garcia Marquez
"In Evil Hour" is one of the early novels written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Published in 1962, it was previous to his "A Hundred Years of Solitude" and "The Autumn of the Patriarch", some of his most famous novels and that consolidated his style. Considering that, one can say that this novel is really good. It is not as fine tuned as his best works, there is no 'Magical Realism' in here - actually, the book is quite realist - but it is such an engaging and well conceived story that it is impossible to stop reading / "In Evil Hour" deals with politics, but in a very subtle way. Hints are given here and there about the recent changes the town has faced. The past seems to have been obscure, but we are never certain of that. Marques exploit heavy subjects that darken Latin American History with grace and seriousness and his peculiar sense of humour. And in the end we seem to have spent some time in that village, and however much we may have enjoyed it, we may not be willing to come back to that place - although one may want to re-read this book one of these days...
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